Friday, November 7, 2008


The FCC (Franciscan Clarist Congregation) has her inspiration and model from the twin saints of Assisi – St. Francis and St. Clare. The Franciscan spirit of the 13th century reached Kerala in the second half of the 19th century. In 1875, a unit of Franciscan Third Order was founded in the Parish of Pala and started functioning. Highly imbued with the zealous love for God, some pious women of third Order led a community life at Kannadiyurumpu. The Franciscan Clarist Congregation in Kerala is the fulfillment of the ardent desire of these eight pious women, to lead a genuine and full Franciscan Way of life. Bishop Charles Lavigne SJ helped them to found the Congregation. It was formed on 14th December 1888 at Changanacherry. The outstanding characteristics of this Congregation were spirit of prayer, life of hard work, care of the destitute and service of the poor, teaching of religion and imparting education.

The Congregation which flourished under the paternal care of Bishop Charles Lavigne and his successors, slowly developed as independent units or diocesan religious communities in the various diocese of Kerala. Responding to the invitation of the Second Vatican Council, the Congregation slowly moved along the ways of renewal and adaptation and finally reached the path of unification. Consequently a unanimous petition for the unification of the various units was sent to the Apostolic See and the permission was granted on 12th March 1970. Rev. Fr. Hippolytus Kunnumkal OFM. Capuchin was appointed Papal delegate. Marking the commencement of the unification Rev. Mother Maurus (Mother General, Changanacherry) was elected the first Superior General on 10th October 1970. The General Curia was also formed with the major superiors of other units as Councillors. A commission was appointed to frame a common Constitution and directory, in the light of Vatican II. A directory under the name of ‘The Franciscan Way of life ' came into force on 14th December 1971 and the Constitution was approved by Apostolic See and raised the Congregation to the Pontifical Right on 1st March1973.

At present FCC has 6974 sisters and 736 houses, engaged in various apostolic activities in different parts of the world mainly among the downtrodden. It has 20 Provinces and 4 regions in India and a Region in Germany. Many of the Provinces have started small communities abroad like Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, U. S., Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Africa and Papua New Guinea. They render their service in Old age homes, Orphanages, Hospitals, AIDS Care Centres, Palliative Care Centres, Rehabilitation Centres for the Psychiatric patients, Leprosy Sanitoriums and Educational institutions etc. We have 11 sisters from Kenya. Let God be praised for what He has done for us and through us.